Call for


Independent Producers

Until March 20, 2025

A space for great stories.

Welcome to Cine Morelia!

Cine Morelia is the ideal space for your production to reach an audience passionate about independent productions.

Whether you've submitted it to festivals or it's ready for its first distribution, at Cine Morelia we promote productions to an audience passionate about independent content.

Our call is open for short films, independent productions or documentaries.

What do you need?

Participating is very simple: just 3 steps You can submit your short film using this form.

Sign up now and join the community of independent filmmakers who are taking their talent to the next level.

Submit short film
Enter your email address
Add here the names of the cast and their characters who participated in the production. (Separated by a " , " )
Add here the names of the staff and their roles that participated in the production. (Separated by a " , " )
Add here the names of the cast and their characters who participated in this short film. (Separated by a " , " )
(Separated by a " , " )
Minimum size: 1280 x 1920 (2:3)
Format: .mov or .mp4 | Minimum resolution: 1920 x 1080 (16:9) and up to 4k. | You must send a public Google Drive or Dropbox link.